The Handshake represents honour, integrity and trustworthiness as a fundamental ethical value in all of one’s dealings.
The Asper FoundationThe Menorah is a reminder of the cultural and ethical values, and imperatives of the Jewish Nation and its religious teachings.
The Asper FoundationThe Kiwi Bird is the national emblem of New Zealand, one of the world’s smallest nations where CanWest had significant media investments. Halfway around the world from Winnipeg it is a reminder to think globally – it was global thinking and action that gave the Asper family the wealth with which to create The Asper Foundation and Canwest Global Foundation. Without it, there would be no charitable capacity.
The Asper FoundationThe Piano is the symbol of music which is the soul of life, one of mankind’s greatest accomplishments. It represents the Arts which have a civilizing effect on a brutish jungle, which should be encouraged and supported.
The Asper FoundationThe centrepiece of The Asper Foundation logo depicts the family as the cornerstone of human civilization and the social contract.
The Asper FoundationThe Satellite symbolizes the shrinking of the world by technological revolution in communication, bringing the human race closer to knowing and understanding each other and the world. It is the symbol of CanWest Global Communication Corp. that created the wealth which has enabled the establishment of the CanWest Global Foundation and The Asper Foundation.
The Asper FoundationThe Courts of Law symbolize justice, the cornerstone of freedom and democracy, the great equalizer between the state and its subjects.
The Asper FoundationBooks symbolize education. The world belongs to those who have knowledge, not those who have money or even power. To ensure equal opportunity for self realization of the individual, the foundation will always have a bias in favour in education and information – in all its forms and by whatever means.
The Asper FoundationThe Lyric is a symbol of two things. First, it reminds us of the commitment to family– honour your father and mother (the Lyric Theatre owned by Israel Asper’s parents in Minnedosa, Manitoba). Secondly, to never forget your humble beginnings and roots.
The Asper Foundation